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on 3 April 2018

City Of Vancouver Crime Rates

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It’s important for all local individuals to be familiar with Vancouver crime rates. The level of crime in Vancouver has actually been increasing over the course of the last three years.

Some crimes are more common in Vancouver than others. This is a relatively safe city, at least compared with many others. However, Vancouver residents still have to worry about some specific crimes.

Drug dealing and drug use both occur at a very high rate in Vancouver. In cities where drug use is common, many additional crimes will become more prevalent as well. People who use certain drugs at high rates will often commit petty theft in order to finance the habit. Individual homeowners and car owners will be affected.

In Vancouver, people worry strongly about getting items stolen from their vehicles. Theft and vandalism occur at a moderate to high rate in Vancouver. In the last five years in particular, rates associated with theft in Vancouver have actually doubled.

In 2017, there were 18,000 total reports of theft throughout the city of Vancouver. In 2016, there were nearly 20,000 of them. Theft reports are always going to fluctuate from one year to another, but the trend has been worrying overall.

Some people have responded to these trends by working with security guards. These theft reports will never tell the whole story. They won’t provide information related to what protections the people in question took in order to make sure that they didn’t run into problems with thieves. The majority of these people did not protect themselves or their possessions at all.

It should be noted that the majority of thieves will quit the moment that they see a security guard or a security system in their way. Most thieves don’t have specific targets. They’re just interested in anyone’s possessions or assets. Once they run into a home or vehicle that has been carefully guarded, they will typically move onto the next one.

Security guards can certainly help in a crisis. Their presence is helpful in its own right, however. People can cope with Vancouver crimes rates much more easily when they work with security guards.

Optimum Security has the best resources for your security and safety needs. If you’re looking to partner with a security company in Vancouver that can truly address your unique needs and offer long-term support, Optimum Security is your best pick.

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1066 West Hastings Street
Suite 2000
Vancouver British Columbia
V6E 3X2 Canada

Telephone: +1 (604)-644-9229