To run a successful retail company, your employees, customers, and tenants must always feel safe and secure on your property. For this reason, we offer retail centers top-of-the-line security systems to protect businesses and reduce damages, monetary loss, and bodily harm.
Retail and Shopping Mall Security Guard Services
Get the retail security you deserve today with Optimum Security. Never settle for anything less than the best protection.
Retail Loss Prevention
Theft is a growing concern for all areas of retail services. Malls, department stores, and retail stores of all sizes are victims of criminal acts on a daily basis. Sometimes the crime is committed by strangers posing as customers, and other times it can be from dishonest employees.
Don’t fall victim to this alarming trend. Let Optimum Security protect you from theft, improving your sales and profits with our high-tech security systems.
Our goal is to stop shoplifters in their tracks in a nonchalant way, to keep disruption and chaos to a minimum. We are available around the clock to keep your staff from dealing with criminals face-to-face and keep you from having to go through the aftermath once they are caught.
Retail Security Guard Services
If you are looking for an excellent security service that is just as concerned about your retail security as you are, consider contacting Optimum Security today.
The services we offer include the following:
Plainclothes Floor Walkers
Our staff will dress in plain clothes to blend in with the crowd. By remaining incognito, we can keep an eye on customers without them suspecting a thing.
On-Sight Uniformed Guards
Our trained staff can keep a close eye on the comings and goings inside your store, especially on those busy days when your employees are focused on sales.
A uniformed retail security guard stationed at the entrance of your retail business will make shoplifters think twice about stealing any of your merchandise.
Loss Prevention Officers in Plain Clothes
A plainclothes prevention officer can keep theft under wraps from outside criminals. This service is also helpful when you believe the problem lies within your staff.
Plainclothes officers can keep an eye on employees without them knowing they are being watched.
Bag Checks
A quick bag check before customers leave the store is an efficient way to reduce the amount of merchandise passing the security alarms.
On-site retail security guards stationed by the exits of your store will quickly and kindly look over the receipt and check the bags of the people leaving to make sure everything matches up.
Store Audits
Are you struggling in a specific area of your company? Let our staff know where your problem lies, and our professionals will complete an audit to identify security issues and address them appropriately.
Mystery Shoppers
Let our mystery shoppers stop by to ensure things are running smoothly in your store. We will keep an eye on possible theft and get an insight into the quality of your staff’s customer service skills.
Request a Consultation
Request a consultation with our professional and helpful staff today. Let us customize your store’s best retail security services without hassle or any obligations.
We are here to ensure you, your employees, and your customers are safe, secure, and comfortable 24/7.